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Accessories for direct fastening

Find nail magazines, lubricants, washer holders, setting tools and other accessories for direct fastening tools


73 Products

Collated Clean-Tec cartridges for use with powder-actuated nailers
High-pressure gas can for use with the GX 3 gas nailer
Gas can for use with the GX 120 gas nailer
Cleaning kits for powder actuated nailers
Cleaning kits for powder actuated nailers
Cleaning kits for powder actuated nailers
Collated Clean-Tec cartridges for use with the DX 351-BT and DX 351-BTG powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides for the DX 76 PTR powder-actuated nailer
Fastener guides for the DX 76 PTR powder-actuated nailer
Fastener guides for the DX 76 PTR powder-actuated nailer
Collated .27 calibre cartridges for use with powder actuated nailers
Magazines for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder actuated tools
Fastener guides and magazines for the DX 351 powder-actuated tool
Fastener guides and magazines for the DX 351 powder-actuated tool
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guide for use when fastening gratings with the DX 351-BT powder-actuated tool
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 462 and DX A40 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and accessories for the DX 462 and DX A40 powder-actuated tools
Fastener guides and magazines for the DX 76 powder-actuated nailer
Fastener guides and magazines for the DX 76 powder-actuated nailer
Fastener guides and magazines for the DX 76 powder-actuated nailer
Fastener guide used to fasten X-BT threaded studs with the BX 3-BT and BX 3-BTG battery-actuated tools
Fastener guide used to fasten X-BT threaded studs with the BX 3-BT and BX 3-BTG battery-actuated tools
Marking head for the DX 462 powder-actuated tool used for marking on cold and hot metal surfaces
Accessories for X-BT-MF threaded studs, including sockets, T-handles and torque tools
Accessories for X-BT-MF threaded studs, including sockets, T-handles and torque tools
Accessories for X-BT-MF threaded studs, including sockets, T-handles and torque tools
GX 120 tool accessories
BX 3-ME nailer accessories
Accessories and replacement parts for the GX 3 gas nailer
Accessories and replacement parts for the GX 3 gas nailer
Accessories for the BX 3 02 cordless nailer
Torque tool for use with new-generation X-BT threaded studs
Pistons for the DX 750 powder-actuated nailer
Pistons for the DX A40 and DX 462 powder actuated tools
Pistons and buffers for the DX 6, DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Pistons and buffers for the DX 6, DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Pistons and buffers for the DX 6, DX 5 and DX 460 powder-actuated tools
Accessories for DX 76 and DX 860 powder-actuated nailers
Accessories for DX 76 and DX 860 powder-actuated nailers
Pistons for the DX 76 PTR powder-actuated nailer
Pistons for the DX 76 PTR powder-actuated nailer
Pistons for the DX 76 PTR powder-actuated nailer
Pistons for the DX 76 PTR powder-actuated nailer
Pole tools and other accessories for powder-actuated tools
Pole tools and other accessories for powder-actuated tools
Pole tools and other accessories for powder-actuated tools
Pole tools and other accessories for powder-actuated tools
Pole tools and other accessories for powder-actuated tools
Pole tools and other accessories for powder-actuated tools
16 Nm torque tool for installing S-BT threaded screw-in studs on steel (thickness < 6 mm)
Stud holder for accurately installing S-BT threaded screw-in studs
Stud holder for accurately installing S-BT threaded screw-in studs
Calibration card for S-BT threaded screw-in studs to ensure the correct screw-in depth
Showing 1 - 60 of 73 Products